Thursday, October 9, 2014

Well I went from a countdown to sobriety, to three days sober.  Lets recap a bit shall we?  We went on a beautiful vacation, 14 days of California parks, beaches and cities.  Fully 3/4 of the nights we were gone I went to bed from mildly to wildly drunk.  The first week I was whooping it up.  I was on full steam ahead, since I will be sober when I return.  I saw some beautiful sites while traveling.  The thing is, I never felt that expansive feeling you get when you are completely in awe, or seeing something magical.  It was beautiful, but I was lazy feeling, and bitchy, and whew did Nate and I have some arguments.  I still "plowed" on until the end, but here I am three days sober.  The first two days I couldn't even get a chance to write as I threw myself into work, paying for my days off.  The most difficult part of that is that I could not come down at night.  I was anxious, tense and irritable,  I couldn't sleep, I could not get relaxed.  I know that it will get better, my moods are better, that is a great thing.  I am in for the long haul, this blog is going to be my accountability.  Wish me luck!

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